Your toothbrush is an important tool in your oral hygiene routine. Brushing twice a day helps keep your mouth free from bacteria, discourages plaque buildup, and keeps your breath fresh throughout the day. We all know that we need to use a toothbrush – but how much thought do we really put into the kind […]
Category Archives : General Oral Health
Your Oral Health Impacts More than You Think
We all know the basics of having good oral health: make sure that your teeth and gums are free from plaque and bacteria by brushing and flossing. Having healthy teeth and gums helps stave away enamel erosion, tooth loss, tooth decay, and gum disease—but did you know that your oral health is actually connected to […]
Three Key Factors to Look for When Choosing a Dentist
Whether you are relocating to a new area, are searching for a specialty service, or are simply in the market to switch dental care providers, finding a new dentist isn’t easy. There are tons of dental practices to choose from, all with varying services, specialities, and insurance networks. And the importance of finding the right […]
What’s the Best Kind of Toothpaste for Me?
If you’re brushing two (or even three) times a day, you’ll find yourself going through toothpaste fairly quickly. That’s a good problem to have—but are you really thinking about what you’re putting in your cart when it’s time to restock? There are countless kinds of toothpaste on the shelves and online, ranging from all-natural, sensitivity […]
Despite Brushing Twice a Day, Top Athletes Suffer from Bad Oral Health
The World Health Organization writes that oral health is a key indicator of well-being, general health, and quality of life. It includes a range of illnesses that include dental caries, tooth loss, periodontal disease, oral cancer, birth defects, and oral manifestations of HIV. According to a 2017 study called “Global Burden of Disease,” 3.5 billion […]
Bruxism: What Causes It and How to Treat It
Old habits die hard, and that can be even more true when it comes to things we do almost subconsciously. Some people are already gnawing down nail number three before they even realize they’ve started biting at their fingers again, and others light up a cigarette when getting in the car as though it were […]
5 Easy Things You Can Do To Step Up Your Oral Hygiene Game
We all do our best to stay healthy and, for many, that means keeping up a routine of eating a healthy diet and exercising a few times a week. Sometimes, though, life gets in the way of our goals and we notice that habits we used to be diligent about may have started to fade […]
What Causes Canker Sores?
If you’re part of the 20% of the population that gets canker sores, then you know how painful they can be. These small round sores are often found on the inner cheeks, lips, tongue, gums, and roof of your mouth, and they can make it difficult to chew or even speak. Unfortunately, the exact cause […]
Get the Facts on Bruxism: 5 Things Every Patient Should Know About Teeth Grinding
There are approximately 40 million Americans who live with bruxism today. Could you be one of them? Here are a few things you should know about this relatively common oral health issue. 1. Bruxism can often occur in your sleep. Shockingly enough, you could be a teeth grinder and not even realize it! Most people […]
Is it Time to Throw Away Your Toothbrush?
Brushing your teeth is one of the most important ways you maintain your oral health. However, if you’re brushing your teeth with an old or dirty toothbrush, you might be doing more harm than good. Answer the following five questions to see if it is time to swap out your toothbrush for a new one! […]