Aurora Dentist

Periodontal disease (or gum disease) is a serious, progressive condition that attacks the supportive structures in your mouth. The illness begins as gingivitis, an infection of the gums caused by the bacteria in plaque that irritate the gums. While this issue is easy to treat in its earliest stages, it can progress to be quite harmful if left untreated. Unfortunately, periodontal disease can, in many cases, progress with very little pain or warning signs. Therefore, it is important to visit your dentist every six months for a routine check-up to ensure your gums are in good health. That said, if you notice any of the following symptoms, be sure to visit your dentist right away.

1. Pain or Inflammation

Are your gums painful for no apparent reason? Are they swollen or red? If so, this could indicate that your gums are infected. If you’re experiencing this symptom, it is very important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is possible for the infection to spread to the jawbone, and it may enter the bloodstream and impact the rest of your body.

2. Elongated Teeth

If you have periodontal disease, then it may begin to look as though your teeth are growing longer. However, this “toothy” appearance is actually a result of gum recession. When the bacteria on your teeth release acids, they destroy the supporting tissues and bones. This causes the gums to gradually pull back away from the teeth.

3. Unexplained Bleeding

One of the earliest signs you may notice if you have periodontitis is bleeding. If your gums bleed when you floss or brush your teeth, or if you ever have a metallic taste in your mouth, you may have an infection of the gums known as gingivitis. This is the first stage of gum disease and should be brought to the attention of your dentist right away to restore your oral health.

4. Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Bad breath can be caused by a number of health issues—from gastrointestinal problems to tobacco usage. However, gum disease can also cause you to have bad breath. When you have periodontitis, it creates pockets in the gums that grow deeper and collect food debris and bacteria. Over time, this trapped debris can cause an unpleasant odor.

5. Loose Teeth

Periodontal disease attacks the gums and supporting structures of the mouth. It can even destroy the bone tissue where the teeth are meant to get support and stability. Therefore, this disease can cause your teeth to become loose or shift. They may even fall out. This is a later stage of gum disease and will likely require surgical intervention.

6. Pus

Pus is created by the body when it is trying to fight off bacterial infection. Therefore, if you see pus coming from the gums, it is a definitive sign that you have a periodontal infection.

With regular visits to the dentist, you can prevent gum disease before it even begins. Call Aurora Dental Group today to schedule your next appointment!