Category Archives : General Oral Health

The Skinny on Candy

If you’ve been to your recommended twice-yearly dental appointments this year, you’re probably already tired of hearing your dentist tell you to stay away from excess sugar and sweets. But your doctors also want you to live a happy life, and sometimes, that means allowing yourself some indulgence in your sweet tooth. Here’s how to […]

Dry Mouth and Medications

Dry mouth isn’t just uncomfortable, it can be damaging to your health and well-being. Whether you’re taking over-the-counter medications or prescriptions, being proactive about your dry mouth can save you time and money you might otherwise spend resolving the long-term problems dry mouth can lead to. Do I have dry mouth? Symptoms of dry mouth […]

How Prescription Drugs Can Affect Your Dental Health

If you’ve ever wondered why your dentist always wants to know what medications you’re taking, you’re not alone. That information might seem irrelevant, but it’s actually quite important to your dental health. When we take prescription drugs to help cure or treat a medical problem, we generally don’t give much thought as to whether those […]

Four Oral Health Resolutions You Should Make For the New Year

As the new year approaches, resolutions are at the forefront of many people’s minds. After all, a new year is the chance for a fresh start. A common focus of many resolutions is self-improvement, often in the form of making healthier choices. What’s often not considered, however, are the improvements most people can make in […]

General Oral Health: Not Just in Your Mouth

Many people view oral hygiene just as a means to prevent cavities, or to avoid developing a painful gum disease. While it’s true that maintaining good oral hygiene can keep your smile bright and healthy, did you know that your oral health isn’t limited to the inside of your mouth? Although taking care of your […]